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Cover Song Thursday: Raw Power by Guns ‘n Roses

Guns ‘n Roses’ Spaghetti Incident? album served as a bookend for the classic lineup of the band, and it’s hard to find a least fitting way to put an end to one of the brightest burning stars of the rock world than this. A collection of mostly punk covers, the album is all over the place and contains none of the focused anger seen on Appetite for Destruction, or the ambitious exploration of the two Illusions albums. But one of its best spots for me is their cover of Iggy Pop’s Raw Power.

While the original was very sloppy, the GnR version is super tight. Dare I say it? Yes, I do. It’s better than the original.

And I do get a kick out of the keyboard player who stops playing when the band moves away from the root chord. 🙂

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