Diary of a Music Addict

Support a good cause and update your Holiday playlist at the same time

If you’re tired of hearing the same old holiday songs repeated ad nauseam, with the same predictible arrangements year after year, here are two new options that will help two worthy causes.

kate and paul christmas4

Christmas Lullaby, by Kate Williams and Paul Hart is a gentle piano ballad, that while not really evoking pictures of eggnog and decorated trees, reminds us that some are not as fortunate as we are. 50% of the proceeds are going to the Bradley Lowery Fund.

Bradley Lowery is a 3-year-old boy fighting stage 4, Neuroblastoma. His parents and supporters are constantly raising money to fund his treatments; the family have said that they will donate remaining money to similar cases of young children with cancer, should Bradley fight his illness and no longer be in need of the money. Offering hope to the ones that do not have much of it is an amazing gift.

In the same vein, David Arnett’s I Will Always Love Christmas is a folk-ish, stripped down modern approach to traditional carols. And again, 50% of profits going to the BBC Children in Need appeal, and will also serve as a memorial to those we have lost, and who we miss the most at this time of the year.

Isn’t it time we replaced Jingle Bells from the Christmas playlist? Well now, you can even do some good while doing so. And both were released by independant label Otiss Music; support the Indies! The singles are available at most digital retailers.

Happy Holidays to all my Music Addict readers! Thank you for your support.


Bradley Lowery’s website – http://bradleylowerysfight.org.uk/

Red Dreams Charity website – www.reddreams.org.uk

David Arnett website – http://www.otissmusic.com/david-arnett/

Otiss Music website – http://www.otissmusic.com/

Children in Need – http://www.bbc.co.uk/corporate2/childreninneed

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