Diary of a Music Addict

Album Review: Idlewar – Dig In

Idlewar - Dig In album cover

“Dig In” is the first EP by Californian trio Idlewar. With their ZZ Top-like beards (complete with clean shaven drummer), you might be expecting some southern boogie to come out of your speakers when you press play, but their music is more in line with the Foo Fighters, Rival Sons or Monster Truck. They are strongly influenced by classic rock acts like Led Zeppelin or Aerosmith, but with a more garage rock slant, especially on the rocking opening track “Chunk of Me”. The band assimilates its influences well, and never really sounds derivative despite the vintage vibe.

The power trio lays down catchy grooves in every song, with drummer Pete Pagonis locked in tight with bassist/vocalist James Blake, while guitarist Rick Graham lays down chunky riffs and chord textures. Blake’s vocals are soulful, with just enough grit in them to give the songs an edge. The songwriting is solid and it skillfully blends all the bands influences into a kind of hard rock that’s nothing you’ve never heard, but still manages to display its own personality. I gotta say that the more I listen to it, the more I like it.


At 5 songs, the EP never wears out its welcome, in fact, I’ve often let it repeat because I can’t get enough! Their EP is available on Bandcamp for 4$. What can you get these days for 4 dollars? Well, you can get a healthy dose of hard rocking songs with this EP! Check these guys out.

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