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Album review – Different Days – Something Different

As a music blogger, I’ve come to dread the words “Check out my band”. It’s not often that they lead to something great. But I always do check their band out, just in case. And sometimes I’m rewarded with discoveries like Montreal’s Different Days, and their new album “Something Different”. The album, released last July, follows their 2013 debut EP, and presents their catchy brand of indie rock that draws on a multitude of influences to offer 8 fun songs that have a punkish playfulness to them.

The band is composed of Mathieu Cousineau on guitar, Denis Martin on drums, Patrick Grandry on bass and Alice Carvalho on voice and guitar. It shouldn’t be a surprise that their music mixes many influences as Carvalho is Brazilian (she even sings one song in Portuguese), Martin hails from Halifax, Grandry is half Belgian, half Mexican, with Cousineau the only Montrealer in the band. In this regard, they represent the spirit of Montreal at its best: a blend of cultures coming together to form something greater than the sum of its part.

Carvalho’s voice oozes a sassy attitude and infuses a lot of personality into these song; it’s a feeling of genuine earnestness that you’d find in a Friday night garage jam between friends. But the arrangements are top notch, the performances tight and the recording lets the songs breath. This isn’t amateur hour by any stretch; this is a band ready for the spotlight.

It’s not easy for an unknown band to attract attention, no matter how good the songs are, but Different Days found one very original method: they offered their own limited edition boutique American Amber Ale at their release party! This idea inspired the album cover that replicates the bottle’s label.

You can buy their music on Bandcamp, and it’s also available pretty much anywhere digital music can be found.

[bandcamp width=350 height=720 album=290048190 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff]


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