Diary of a Music Addict

LifeCycle – Artist Spotlight

Band nameLifeCycle
MembersAsim Rizvi (Vocals)
John Soden (Drums)
Kevin Hightower (Guitar)
Joe Viggiano (Guitar)
Scott Pustilnick (Bass)
LocationJackson, New Jersey
Founded in2014
Similar ArtistsAlter Bridge, LinkinPark
First releaseLifeCycle (single) – January 15th 2020
LinksFacebook | Spotify | Website | YouTube
The Music Addict’s VerdictCatchy, melodic metal

How was the band formed?  

LifeCycle: From Braun and Steel! Actually , Scott (Bass) found a Singer. Singer found not one, but two great guitarists (Kevin and Joe). Singer found an amazing drummer (John). We then fired the singer. Yep. Good move for us because one late night shortly thereafter, John found our current Singer (Asim). Everything works out if you just fire people.


What’s your songwriting process like?   

I would say its like meatballs in a crock pot.  We have five giant meatballs that sit in a crock pot and simmer.  The simmering continues for hours, days, weeks and then it’s done…..cooked to perfection.

What are your influences?

Here are some of the band’s influences… Jack Daniel’s Rye, weed, IPA’s, bad 80’s new wave bands, good 80’s new wave bands, Reese’s peanut cups, technology, salt, and anything dark blue.

How would you describe your music?  

Alternative Metal…..guitar driven with melody.  Everyone wants to categorize music so we agree with any tag or any category that someone comes up with. The bottom line is we appreciate you listening and taking your time to comment.

What’s the one thing that makes you/your band stand out from the rest?  

We are playing live shows for you. LifeCycle does NOT talk and bore you with bullshit between each song. We hit the stage and pound out as many freaking songs as we can possibly fit into our set.  It is all about you so we feel like if you come see us, pay your hard earned money, and take time out of your life to see us live, we are going to bust our ass to entertain you by not boring you to death by talking!!!

What’s your latest release?   

“Burnout” is our latest release. It dropped on 3/6/2020 everywhere that you have heard of and not heard of. Have you ever just floored your gas pedal? That chill you get, the sense of excitement and risk all at the same time…That’s what our latest single, “Burnout” is all about. Life is tough and can weigh you down, so sometimes you just need to block everything out and go for a long drive to clear your head. 

Have you ever played in Montreal?

We have not but we spent time in the beautiful city of Toronto. Every single person that we spoke to told us if we wanted to party, we should be in Montreal. The more we drank and smoked in Toronto, the more we heard that we really needed to be with our Montreal fans. We can take the hint. You don’t have to tell us 57 times! Book us and we are there!

What are your plans for the next few months?

Our theory of entertainment is keeping things new , constantly!  So….we are living in the studio at the same time as playing live shows.  Our new music content drops every 8 weeks (at most).  Next up are a couple of acoustic versions of “Burnout” and “Lifecycle”.  The last thing we are constantly updating and creating new content for is our YouTube channel.  “A Day in the LifeCycle” is a bi weekly episodic YouTube series we created.  It shows the band in a different light, off stage, behind it all, totally ridiculous, totally stupid.  It works nicely and we have a ton of fun creating it for everyone.

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